hello and welcome!

my name is Tomáš Lintner and I’m a social scientist employing statistical modelling, social network analysis, and research synthesis to address some of the pressing societal challenges. I mainly deal with the emergence of inequalities in education and with the emergence of inequalities in networks in general. I believe in open, transparent, and accountable science. I teach sociology of education, comparative education, and quantitative data analysis at Masaryk University.

I’m a junior research fellow at Institute SYRI and at the Department of Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University where I’m also doing a PhD – finishing in June ‘24.

…apart from research, I enjoy playing board games, hiking, and tennis.



email | tomas.lintner@mail.muni.cz


Department of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
Arne Nováka 1
Brno 602 00, The Czech Republic